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Self-Catering in Killarney

Luxurious apartments, for less

Whether it’s a holiday with the whole family, a pre-wedding party or a golfing getaway with friends, self-catering in Killarney is great way to escape. Private, spacious and pet-friendly, our beautiful apartments contain everything you need to enjoy your stay. Amenities include free Wi-Fi, a large living / dining room, a multi-channel TV with DVD player and a fully-equipped kitchen with oven, hob and microwave. You can experience a little luxury at The Reserve at Muckross, for less, with our range of special apartment offers.

Winter Apartment Breaks

Enjoy our luxurious Self Catering Reserve Apartments with complimentary bike hire

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Terms and conditions apply. Exclusion dates may apply. All the above offers are subject to availability. Please enquire with the apartment team for further details.

Winter at Muckross
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